
How To Clean Hen Of The Woods Mushroom

Mushrooms are their own kingdom—fungus—and information technology's an incredibly various kingdom at that. It includes molds (not tasty), yeasts (tasty in some applications), and edible (tasty) and poisonous (very much non good) mushrooms of all kinds. There'southward an incredible number of varieties of mushrooms, just nosotros'll stick to some of the most mutual and most delicious edible ones today. The kinds you're most familiar with are probably white push mushrooms (the trivial white ones at the store) or creminis(virtually the same size as the push button mushrooms, but brown—sometimes chosen babe portobellos). You also are probably familiar with the giant-capped portobello mushrooms which, speaking equally a vegetarian, are succulent but only not an appropriate substitute for a burger—I had to get it out. I'm lamentable. They're merely non. Well-stocked grocery stores may likewise have the delicious, savory, slightly funky East Asian shiitake mushroom.

Across that, unless you're at a farmers' market or a specialty grocery, it'southward likely yous'll see anything else that's happened to discover its way to the mushroom shelves labeled "wild mushrooms"or"gourmet mushrooms," which oversimplifies the matter and then greatly.

These are a few favorite and delicious mushrooms that occupy that realm. If yous desire to know what's really good correct now, get thee to your farmer'due south market and detect the nearest 'shroom vendor. Or see if your city has a mycological (that is, mushroom) society.

Varieties of Mushrooms


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Credit: Photo by Caroline Lange

These guys are golden and very prized. In the Northeastern US, they're a summer mushroom, mostly June and July. Some say they have a fruity olfactory property; the Canal Business firm duo take correctly identified information technology, I recollect, every bit apricot.

Chicken of the Wood

A vibrantly orange and beautiful mushroom—kind of similar lacy petticoats. It actually does sense of taste like chicken, and information technology'southward and then dense and meaty that you can fix it in many ways you would chicken: stir-fried, roasted, sliced for tacos, and then much more than.

Hen of the Woods, a.1000.a. Maitake

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Credit: Photo past Caroline Lange

Non to be dislocated with Chicken of the Wood. Frilly and beautiful. Maitake mushrooms are very popular in Japanese cooking, and very delicious sautéed with butter.


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Credit: Photo by Caroline Lange

Some other prized mushroom, these are leap treats. They're a bit nutty, and best prepared simply so that you can really enjoy the flavor (and savour them, as they're expensive and come but one time a year). Cook smaller ones whole and larger ones halved or quartered.


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Credit: Photo past Caroline Lange

Oyster mushrooms tin can range from dense, fat-stalked, and elegant to very petite. They are all succulent, delicately flavored, a footling bit sweet. Oyster mushrooms are adequately firm, so they'll hold up well to more than vigorous cooking methods. They're really good sautéed, in long slices, with garlic. You lot tin also dredge those sparse slices in a beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs, then fry them in butter. Or brush them with butter or oil and grill them.


A highly adorable mushroom, with a thick white stalk and a slightly rounded brown cap. They're related to oyster mushrooms and tin can be prepared the aforementioned means.

How to Buy and Shop

Mushrooms should be firm and dry (not damp or slimy at all), with no soft or moist-looking spots. Clay's OK. Dirt's swell. If you tin buy them majority-mode, that is not wrapped in plastic, that's best. Mushrooms and plastic don't play well together, since plastic holds in moisture and keeps the mushrooms from beingness able to breathe. This makes for slimy mushrooms, which is no good. And try to detect mushrooms whose shapes are intact. If yous accept the pick, purchase whole rather than pre-sliced.

Ideally, buy them from a farmer'south marketplace. The vendor volition probable be extremely knowledgeable and have a whole host of local, beautiful, colorful, and super-fresh mushrooms—they'll be able to talk to you virtually what kinds of mushrooms grow where you live. And they'll probably hand them over to you in a picayune paper bag.

If you become them in a plastic pocketbook, transfer them to a paper bag as soon as yous become them home. Air-condition for up to iv days or and so—simply apply them equally soon as y'all tin, equally they'll starting time to either dry out or get slimy afterwards a few days in the refrigerator.

How to Prep

Many experts say not to launder mushrooms because they're spongy and will get waterlogged. If you lot're not planning to cook your mushrooms for a while, say, an hr, this is definitely true. But if you're nigh the throw them into the pan, and they're very muddied, a quick rinse is merely fine. Dry out them gently but thoroughly with a clean dishtowel or paper towel. Otherwise, you can dust them off with a mushroom castor (yes, there is such a thing—basically, a gentle picayune brush used for cleaning 'shrooms) or do as I do and just lightly rub the dirtiest ones with a dishtowel.

Utilise a paring knife to trim the stems, in most cases not removing them completely—just taking off the part where the mushroom was cut when harvested and has dried. Trim off any other woody-feeling bits. From here, how you lot cutting the mushrooms (or non) will depend on what yous're making, just all mushrooms get at least this clean-and-trim handling.

How to Melt

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Credit: Photograph by Caroline Lange

Mushrooms are funky, savory, and meaty. They dark-brown well, crisp up, or get meltingly soft, and because of their savoriness they are oftentimes used to supervene upon meat in things similar gravy, meat sauce, and veggie burgers. They love rich flavors: butter, cream, blood-red or white wine, cheese, sherry, eggs. They also love herbs and garlic and onions and salt and pepper. What I'm saying here is, whatever you make with your mushrooms volition probably be very delicious.

Sautéing is maybe the easiest way to go about mushrooms—at least at starting time. If you take any doubt about what to do with a mushroom, commencement here. You can also always sauté mushrooms and freeze them for a rainy day.

Cut mushrooms into bite-sized pieces but endeavor to preserve their pretty shapes. Heat a bit of butter and oil (butter for flavor, oil to protect from called-for) in a pan over medium estrus, and when it's melted and starting to shimmer, add together the mushrooms (and sliced onions or shallots, if y'all similar). Stir regularly, but let them dark-brown in spots; when they begin to brownish (just not before), add together a good pinch of common salt—this will season the mushrooms and as well cause them to release their water. Add together whatever garlic or vino at this betoken, and then continue to cook the mushrooms until they're tender and take absorbed most of the liquid. Stop with a splash of cream if yous like, or fresh herbs (parsley and thyme are particularly nice with almost mushrooms), or a clasp of lemon. Add table salt and pepper to taste.

Or roast them instead. Simply toss seize with teeth-sized pieces of mushrooms with olive oil, common salt and pepper, and whatsoever herbs or seasonings (soy sauce, red pepper flakes, thyme, crimson wine, sherry) and roast—400°F for xx to thirty minutes for crispy mushrooms, or covered with foil at 325°F for about 20 minutes and 425°F for xv minutes for chewy-well-baked.

Or steam them and toss them in a bright vinaigrette or a dark-green sauce like pesto. These are expert warm, room temp, or cold. They'd be actually nice alongside some hard-boiled eggs.

What to Eat Them With

Dang, anything. Polenta. In a frittata, omelet, mountain of creamy scrambled eggs. Steak. Pasta. Chicken. Lentils. A grain basin. Tangled up with spinach or kale or chard. Piled on toast, or straight from the pan with your fingers. No one has to know.


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